Spa Ettiquete

[Booking an appointment.]
Phone call
To make a successful booking through a phone call, please provide us with your important basic details, your name, the time you want to book, Type of service (such as deep tissue or Hot stone, etc.), and we will confirm if the time you wanted to book is still available for booking. This is to prevent any walk-ins from grabbing your appointment if they ever come at the same time as you, we can verify who has an appointment with your given name and contact details in case you have the same name as the other walk-in customer. We will always try to get those essential details. Phone call history records, or any phrases like " I will be there soon", "I'm on my way now", or "I will call back later" or any phone calls that we did not get the time what date, time and name of customer are not considered bookings and will not guarantee a reservation upon arrival. We do not take phone calls outside our operating hours (6:45 pm-9:30 am) daily and on Public Holidays. Calls from private numbers were auto-rejected if your mobile number must stay with this setting, please send us a text message.
Please note: Our phone will auto-reject any private or hidden caller numbers. For safety reasons, the caller cannot choose who they will speak to on our end by hanging up the phone immediately after we pick it up to call again later expecting a different team member to pick up the call (ex: called answered by a man receptionist, caller hangs up to call again later expecting a lady receptionist later on next call), that caller will be blocked straight away and could not call us back later.
- Full terms and conditions are on the Call Us page.
Text message.
Like phone calls, the customer wanting to book must provide us with the basic details we need to reserve a booking.
All Inquiries must be short and direct to the point.
Anyone constantly texting or calling us, repeatedly asking for our prices and services and also availabilities, but never books an appointment will be blocked. Any weird text message such as "Hi" or "Hello" without any context, "Do you do massage?" Inquired for extra services despite repetitive notices on every page of this website. Open-ended inquiries/questions with the intention to negotiate will not be responded to. Please be direct with any inquiries.
Anyone requesting a booking after hours or late at night will not be responded to and will be blocked.
-We will be suspicious of any client asking for the ages of our staff, and we may end up hanging up the call and blocking the caller's phone number. This is a Red flag customer inquiry.
-The customer must inquire about the time they want to book and we will tell if still available, soonest available, or if we are fully booked. We will not respond if the inquiring customer asking us to state all of our available timeslots.
-Calls from any Private numbers are auto-rejected by our devices. All calls or anyone contacting us must not conceal their contact details.
-All inquiries must be direct to the point and straightforward towards getting an appointment. Not testing the waters using indirection inquiries such as for any discounts or extra services, please note that we will just hang up the phone and block the inquiring customer if we felt any indirections or any gimmicks from any inquiries.
-Please abstain from lowballing or discount negotiations. Our prices are fair, and it is up to the consumer to go somewhere else cheaper, we are not forcing our prices on anyone.
-Call cut-off time is at 6:45 pm daily, A legit clean Thai Massage does not take bookings from mid to late evenings regardless of any justifications or reasons.
Online bookings
We are using Gettimely services which is different from what most other Thai massage spas commonly use. We have chosen Getimely for being straightforward on plans and pricing without hidden charges and commission fees per customer's book. This software is commonly preferred by medical services providers or clinics on online bookings.
Unlike other online booking software, Gettimely will not spam the client later on after the transaction like a "leave us a review reminder", "book with us again" reminders (after few weeks) or any marketing emails. Also, customers personal details are with our complete control on our account as it is a paid subscription unlike those "FREE" and cheaper commission based online booking software who may share customers information to other marketing firms for advertising purposes.
All customers wanting to book online with us must create an account with Gettimely and be verified by two-step verification by entering the mobile number and getting the key code in a text message provided by the software. This is to ensure that you are booking the appointment and not anyone else using anyone's identity and to screen serious bookers from anyone playing around.
Online payments is not active or included on our Gettimely account plan. No portion of the online booking that will ask for debit/credit card details and the customer must still pay in person here in our shop. No customer can claim "I paid online already"
Please make sure to pay attention to the details of your booking. Pick carefully the time and date you want to book and if you prefer any massage therapist.
Khunchai Thai Massage and its staff cannot be responsible for any mistake of anyone booking online such as arriving on the wrong appointment date or having no availability upon arrival due to mistakenly booking another day or time plus travel time and expenses.
Online booking should not be used to reserve an appointment hold the timeslot then cancel on short notice.
[Walking in]
Walk in customers are welcome when there are available spots or time slots upon their visit.
A first-time walk-in customer cannot demand to see all our therapists working and choose. We do not do this as we are not a dubious massage place that operates like brothels where they would show all their masseuse to a walk-in customer to choose from. We believe that brothels do this and it's a big NO for us to do the same. We have a system and we assign the therapist for walk-ins.
Please do not use our car park as a reference for how busy or free we are. A significant percentage of our repeat clients are our neighbors here in the Glendene area and do not use cars unless raining along with regular repeat clients who were always dropped off and picked up by their family, multiple clients only used a single vehicle and there are also clients who use the Auckland bus services so empty carpark does not equates to availabilities.
- 50% deposit will be required if anyone walks in and books an appointment at the same day in a later time. On our record, most customers booked this way did not show up and gives wrong or inactive contact details.
For safety reasons: Our security doors are normally locked and only unlocked when a booked customer arrives. When anybody arrives as a walk in without an appointment, we will check our outer premises first before we unlock our security doors. If a walk in person just came to inquire, We have the most basic details printed outside our door like the prices and services, any random walk ins cannot make a request to enter such as "can I see how tidy the rooms first before I make a booking" or any ruse. Our washroom is for customer use only. With the increasing crime rates, we will be extra careful even if those procedures are unwelcoming to any potential new customers.
For safety reasons: We will decline or deny service straight away if the walking-in customer inquires about extra services regardless of if the customer is just mere asking or seriously looking for extra services. We do not serve any male walk-ins from 6:00 pm. Also, we will refuse service to anyone who could not communicate in basic English (or pretends to) with the grounds of we do not know, or they could not tell us what service they want or looking for and we will not take a risk of being mistaken as a brothel using massage as a front like other adult services establishments here in Auckland.
- Please walk straight to our door or seek any of our team members to inquire, We will be suspicious of anyone exploring our place without a purpose or any random reasons not related to our services due to rising crime rates.
[Sales people / Solicitors / Religious peddlers / Christmas Caroling ]
* An unexpected visitor (non-customer) is often just interrupting us.
- Please no sales agents, or utility company agents to convince us to switch companies and also please no eftpos company agents. We are not switching companies or registering to any programs.
- Please no religious proselytizing. Lets respect our differences in faith.
- No Christmas caroling. Despite having Christmas decorations on holiday weeks, we are not religious. Our Thai staff with different culture do not know what Christmas caroling is will have no idea why a group of people will sing a Christmas song in front of our premises (Caroling = A South East Asian Catholic tradition of going from house to house to sing a Christmas song with expectation of receiving a present, mainly a monetary present). Please bear in mind that caroling or loud singing disturbs our clients while having their service and we do not find it respectful, please be considerate to our customers.
- Network marketers wanting to invite any of our staff to be members of any get rich quick schemes or demonstrate any of their company products such as health supplement products ARE NOT WELCOME .
*To any Sales agents / Network marketers, Religious preachers, or Fundraising solicitors, Please do not come to interrupt our workplace.
"boss is not here" and please do not cold call us, Thank you. Anyone who will not take "NO" as an answer will be served a trespass notice and call the Police services to remove anyone disturbing and deceiving us.
At least 10 to 5 minutes before the appointment time
Ideally, 5 minutes before your booked appointment time. Please don't come too early as our staff may not be ready to serve you, and other clients are not done with their appointment yet. And there may be no available parking slots. If arriving early, Please be patient to wait, Do not expect that we are ready to serve as soon as anyone comes as we have to re-set up and tidy up our rooms. However, we can start the session straight away if we are not busy.
Arriving late
Sometimes incidents beyond our control happen, slow traffic along the way, emergencies and more. But please let us know if you are going to be late on your appointment. We will try our best to accommodate you. (Still, we will not shoulder any loss due to those unforeseen circumstances and will pass it to the customer who reserved a time slot with for any unavoidable time reduction due to tardiness, Short notice Cancelations/Re scheduling or Not showing up.)
Arriving late or exactly sharp on your appointment time may shorten your session time if there is a next client after your appointment. We cannot make the next other client wait when they arrive on time and we will not shoulder the loss of our productive time so the price will stay the same at reduced duration time. A late arrival can still have the full duration of your booked session if we are not busy and there is no client on queue behind their appointment.
We wait 15 minutes, We do not Follow up
A booking will be considered cancelled and declared as a No show booking if a client does not arrive or even arrives after 15 minutes late without notifying us. The spot will be given straight away to anyone requested to be in the waiting list. The late coming customer may lost an appointment even if they managed arrived later on but over 15 mins without letting us know or can still be served but at a reduced duration time but still liable to pay for the full price of the service that the late customer have booked or the whole duration of the time they have reserved for themselves.
In most circumstances, we do not follow up, most responsible booked individuals will do their best regardless of any circumstances to notify us whenever they will be late "before" (not after) the agreed appointment time. In the contrary, non-serious bookers will not notify us if they will still be coming, and if we did the following up to check them, non-serious bookers will always have an excuse including guilt tripping excuses such as accidents, having covid or being in hospital or will not pick up our call or respond.
[Cancellations / short notice re schedule and No Show's]
Please give us 24-12 hour notice for any cancellations. So we can able to book another client. If 24-12 hours cancellation notice was not given, We are going to charge 50% of the treatment fee. If a client does not show up, We will add a 100% penalty fee for the booked appointment.
A no-show client won't be re-booked (even with a voucher) until the penalties are paid. Please note: Cancelling an appointment online afterhours will not count, the time is counted from 9:30am to the time of appointment.
Emergencies or accidents are often used as an excuse whenever we follow up on why the client did not attend their booking without notice, "family emergencies" or any accidents will not be accepted if the client called to cancel past few minutes or too close to their appointment time, unless the client provides proof.
Cancelling when sick: We expect the client to call us to cancel their appointment as early as possible before 12:00pm in noon time when they do not feel well for the day, Not in 1 hour or less before their appointment time from noon time till evening. This incident most often happens during long weekends when the client probably has changed plans using sickness as a cover to cancel their appointment on short notice. We will still add the client to our do not re-book list.
Do not book any appointment just to hold the time, let others take any available timeslot we have and let us earn. Please do not book if you are not sure of your schedule. Penalty fees applies for short notice cancellations. It is considered a No Show if the booked customer canceled whit in the 90 minutes before the booked appointment time.
Short notice cancellations/re-scheduling and No shows have an impact to us and clients who want to book us. We have to enforce our cancellation policy and we hope everyone understands our need to do so. Other people's & Our therapists' time are also important like yours.
( Effective from 1st of February 2021. ) This is only a summary of this policy Click here for full No Show & Short Notice canceling/ re-scheduling policies
Khunchai Thai Massage does not pay attention to the cheaper pricing promotions, any add-on and gimmicks of other massage spas nearby: just plain and straightforward prices and services, No small prints. No additional $10 or more for harder pressure.
No Discounts. Please do not ask for discounts, as refusal may offend.
Also unlike using public transport or any other necessities and services, We do not have any special pricing or discounts on senior citizens 65 and up here at our spa. We do not get compensated by the government or any organization for giving monetary discounts to senior citizens. However, we recommend our elderlies apply for any financial benefits from Work and Income or the Ministry of Social Development to have a budget for other daily expenses if they and the MSD case officer think they qualify.
The prices for our services are reasonable. Our pricing and other Thai massage spas around Henderson area have good reasonable prices compared to Thai massage spas located around central Auckland, North Shore and South Auckland. We are not the most affordable, but not expensive in regards for massage pricing. ( Just the right price, straightforward and No small prints, no * punctuation marks on our ads)
Tip or any gifts in any kind is not required or necessary for any of our customers to give to any of our staff but highly appreciated. All of our team members anticipates that all tips or gifts from customers are all given with "no strings attached" and the clients giving tips will not expect anything in return such as longer duration on next visits, exemptions for any short notice cancelations/re-scheduling and no shows, or anything.
Cold cash tips from the customer can be given straight away to the staff provided the service. Tips that given through electronic payments like added in Eftpos payments will incur income tax and will be given to them on their payday and documented on their pay slip. The staff receiving the tip should cover the income tax, not the company where they work for. We cannot cash out to the customer/tipper for them to pass to our staff as we have restricted minimum cash reserve for security purposes.
It is prohibited, and we do not allow surprise deliveries on our premises, such as secret admirer flower bouquets and gifts. We will not entertain or accept any deliveries even if those packages are named for us or any of our staff, as being the current occupiers of the premises, we reserve the right to issue trespass notices to each delivery person until the gift delivery service provider stops sending items to our place.
[Before the treatment]
- If possible, do not have heavy meals before your appointment starts.
- Always inform the therapist of any important health conditions you have, such as current or past appointments with any medical service providers, even if it was a long time ago. Skipping this advice may trigger some severe pain from previous injuries and medications or anything worst. Please note that our staff are not NZ licensed physicians and should be avoiding to massaging any injuries, not treating any human ailments.
- Please do not use the preparation time for other things, such as phone calls, the time allocated to any appointments is limited, and we may rush or cut the appointment short if the customer takes too much time to prepare for the session so the next booked customer will not have to wait as soon as they arrived on their booking on time. This includes using the toilet before the session if it is done past the booked appointment time. The price of service with reduced duration time will not get the price of service reduced but the booked customer still has to pay the full price of the services.
[During the treatment]
For an excellent massage experience, please do not hesitate to communicate with our therapist during your treatment for any concerns. This is highly recommended than complaining after the treatment when there is nothing we can do anymore. Not just in our massage spa but anywhere else when you are having a service, such as hair styling services and pedicures, a few examples.
-Please let our therapist know if the room temperature is getting warm or cold so we can adjust the air-conditioning setting. Is the face pillow too high or low, so our therapist can change the pad according to your comfort. Areas of your body where you want to focus more or where to avoid. Or anything else about your treatment. We hope that a client will not come to us believing that we will cure or treat any pains or ailments. A harder massage pressure may worsen any pains and cause bruises too. Our massage therapists have no licensed physician of any kind. Our services are for relaxation only.
To anyone having a less than an hour session like 30 minutes massage, Please note that our therapist cannot do a full body massage as there is not enough time. The therapist can only concentrate on the Head, Back, Neck & Shoulders or feet & legs. Our therapist may be unable to grant all the requests for shorter sessions.
After the treatment is done - Please gear up and vacate the room as soon as possible so we can have the room available to the next customer in timely manner. A customer cannot sleep, do a phone call or anything else as we have to set up the room again. The maximum time given is three [3] minutes for the customer to gear or dress up. We reserve the right to check and enter the room forcefully if the customer is taking more than three minutes to set up themselves.
No Extra services
There is strong discrimination in Thai massage businesses regarding happy endings or other sensual and sexual services, Thai massage profession is also highly discriminated even in pop culture (movies, music video, video games) regarding massage profession as prostitutes or equivalent to sex workers. While there is nothing we can do about it, we do not accept this condescension and disrespect within our premises which asking or joking about adult services may result to get the client banned or a walk in client be refused service. We know the history and why Asian massage therapists got this bad reputation, but it is wrong to presume that we do and think all in the same way and we strongly refuse to be disrespected within our own premises. It is disgusting and disturbing that all massage therapists that who only wants to work properly and decently are confused with prostitutes, for anyone who has no respect, we recommend that they take their money and business elsewhere. While there are also prostitution businesses that use "Massage" as a front or a Thai massage that provides those extra services. We guarantee that our business is a legit Thai massage business with professional experienced, trained, and certified Thai massage therapist staff only working with us.
A simple No Adult services notice is not enough here on our website and also in front of our door here on our premises, anyone who is looking for extra services and will downplay, play d*mb no English or ignore this message; this is why we placed around ten signage notices on our outside premises and being direct here on our website. Please be aware that anyone may be committing a crime if being inappropriate during the massage session, such as exposing private parts to the massage therapist, touching the therapist providing the service, and any verbal abuse. Police 111 emergency services will be called without warning to any inappropriate client and we will not use Police 105 reporting as we consider those situations as emergencies. Also, CCTV cameras were set up to collect the identity of any customer or car plate numbers so it would be convenient for us to file a police report if the person has left before any police come.
No English or cannot read will never be an excuse for any criminal activity through inappropriate actions (any walk-in customers who could not communicate in English were refused service for the grounds of not safe for our staff when we do not know what the client is looking for due to they could not communicate in English). For anyone looking for extra services, We respect you, but we are not the place for you and these multiple or repeated notices are in place so you will avoid any awkward situation of being refused when asked, so please save time and do not contact us.
"Sports Massage" - Has an equivalent meaning of sensual massage among adult services punters used as indirection to inquire for extra services. So, we took it out from the list of our services.
"I Am just Asking" - Even a simple inquiry regarding any extra services will get the inquiring customer be banned with our services or be turned away and refuse service if the customer is walking in and inquired regarding extras. We in the massage industry services has different opinions regarding customers who are just asking for extra services but for us, we see it as a prejudice and discrimination against all Asian massage therapist including towards our staff. It does not matter if other massage therapist does it including other Thai massage shops doing extras. Regardless of intention for asking any extra services we will decline serving.
Integrity over money - Unlike other legit Thai massage businesses that do not have signages or warnings hoping that clients from all market niches will do business with them, including inappropriate individuals looking for extra services for maximum revenue, leaving their staff in at risky situation as the operator believes that the staff (not the operators) should handle any misbehaving customers during the service, We in Khunchai Thai massage and Spa will back up our staff like protecting a family member not a mere staff to create money for us. We do not need any inappropriate clients to do business with us, and we do not need their money.
We are happy losers; we are okay and happy to see our competitors have more customers and busier than us because we are not accommodating or welcoming to any inappropriate with other lewd intentions when going to any massage spa or any abusive customers who thinks that they can do everything with their money.
Other Legit Thai Massage: The staff should be able handle any inappropriate clients on their own. We need the customer's money so the staff should be always accommodating regardless of customer's attitude so they will keep coming back and we will invalidate our staff complaints regarding any inappropriate and passive abusive paying customers. And no need to put signages as it is not welcoming and comfortable to see any policies signages whit in our premises. as a business, revenue is the most important.
Us In Khunchai Thai Massage: We will protect our staff like our family and we will not let any inappropriate disrespectful clients to harm or harass them in any way, we will be always on our staff side rather than the paying but inappropriate and abusive customer, any customer may be banned or trespassed whenever any of our staff requested if in any case they are not comfortable serving any client and we will utilize NZ laws if necessary. Placing policy signages all over our place may cost our premises of impression for being unwelcoming and uncomfortable and eventually, also loosing or make the customer not to come back. But that is ok if this contributes towards our staff comfort and safety when working with us. For us, morality, safety and comfort of our staff is more important over money.
It is also not our concern making any website visitors uncomfortable or having negative UX or user experience due to being upfront with our policies, including customers on our site seeing multiple signages. The User Experience will vary from what the website visitor expects or looking for when they type "massage" over the internet.
Please use this website as a reference, not from any online forums or hearsay.
Further more
- Aside from not providing any extra services, Our staff will never use any arousing or teasing massage techniques to excite male clients during the treatment to improve customer retention.
- Any unusual customer request may get them ban from our services such as legs massage near the genitals area, groins, buttocks massage or requesting anything that our staff not comfortable doing. We will always take side with our staff than any customer's who has money to spend.
- Asking for the age of any of our staff is out of the line and considered as a red flag and it is questionable what the inquiring potential customer's intention when they are looking for a massage services when they ask how old or how the staff who will serve them look like. All reasons or excuses are invalid for why would an inquiring customer would ask for age such as they want to know who will touch their body, being shy if the therapist is too young and wants an older massage therapist, want someone strong and not too old, or any other reverse psychologic reasons. We will refuse to give any description of any of our team members regardless of any justifications why would a someone ask for age of our staff. A legitimate customer should be only looking or interested on the skills of a massage therapists, not on any physical descriptions or how they look like.
- There are adult services punters or customers who looks for extra services but prefers to visit a legit massage spa than those massage places which openly advertises that they provide extra services aiming to connect with any massage therapist staff and they expect that some more extra services will be offered if they get connected enough with the massage staff even if they are in a legit massage spa. Please let us confirm this type of speculation, that this will not occur with our legit massage spa.
- Let us be direct, This not a club and not the place for any single person to look for a romantic relationship unlike in other dubious Thai Massage place where their management tolerates any of their team members to any extra marital affairs, acts of immoralities or any similar, we will trespass anyone trying to engage with any of our staff personally (or terminate any of our team members who indulge on any immoral activities) not because we control them but because we guarantee to all our current and potential future clients that we are a family oriented Thai Massage business.
- Our staff will never exchange contact details with the clients such as social media accounts, contact numbers, email addresses, or any. We are family-oriented shop operators and will not allow any of this to happen.
Drapping during the massage
- This is mandatory. We require all our clients to be covered by drapes or towels during the massage, especially our male clients. And to wear disposable underwear we provide, or do not take off your underwear. We will accept no excuses, whether for cultural reasons, health conditions or just being mere uncomfortable. We do not care or it is not our concern how they do any massage anywhere in other places or other countries such as European style as they say where a client can be completely naked. Anyone who wants to be completely naked during the massage and disagrees with our conditions will be refused service and be banned and is encouraged to go elsewhere and do not do business with us at all. We are familiar and check online forums regarding adult services advising punters like how to get extra services in a legit Thai Massage by doing those tricks such as going out without underwear so they can get massage naked by default as the Thai Massage business has no choice if they do not provide a disposable underwear, we will cancel the appointment and ban any customer who will try to do this with us.
[Before you leave the massage treatment rooms, Please check your valuable items]
We provide baskets for clothing and jewelry boxes for each massage table for our clients to keep their valuable items during the massage treatments.
After the massage and when the client leaves the room, our therapist will set up the table and change the sheets for the next client, along with checking if a customer left something in the room to keep it safe or notify anyone if they were missing something while still in our premises. But sometimes, our therapist will not notice small items like earrings. Or a client did not put the items in the box provided. If Our therapists did not see it first, We could not guarantee the honesty of the next client who may find the left-behind item first. In this case, We shall not be responsible for any loss of valuable items due to the negligence of others. Posters are placed on every door knob of our rooms to remind everybody to check their items before they leave and we have no interest in possessing any items that were left by customers.
If, in any case, any customer realize they are missing any items after the massage and they think they left any items in the room. No body can demand to search the room if it is being used by other customers. It is not fair that the paid session of other customer is interrupted and disturbed due to other people's negligence.
It is against the New Zealand law to search the suspected other person's belongings without their permission, including detaining other person who may be one of our staff or other customers who are suspected of theft and to call and wait the police to come, we cannot do that. If this is hard to believe, ask any supermarket retail security/worker who could not stop from going away and detain a shop lifter caught in action. It is also against the law to accuse someone of theft without a solid proof or evidence.
Whenever we find something, but the client has left our place, for extra security, we will not ask all the clients for the day if they have lost anything or describe any found items to them not giving a chance anyone to guess what we have found and give it to the wrong person. We let the clients come to inquire and describe the item they are looking for to ensure it belongs to the rightful owner. If you are missing anything after the service with us, please feel free to contact us, but we are sorry if we cannot find any of your missing items here on our place.
Tip: please check your pockets, bags car/vehicle first, most of the clients who inquired for any missing/left behind forgotten items with us have found their missing items at home. Mobile devices can be found using "Find my device" on Google if for Android phones or "Find my" App with icloud for iphones given that you have a Google or icloud account and have your devices registered with them. It is highly recommended to do that procedure ASAP before the device battery power runs out.
If, in any case, Any clients accuse any of our staff of theft without any evidence and fair consideration, spread the rumor by any means, social media, online platforms, gossip, or extort money, legal actions may follow on the grounds of Defamation or Harmful Digital Communication if the accusations done online. Please bear in mind that instigating false allegations against any individuals without any solid proof is a crime.
While there are legitimate left behind item and lost and found inquires. There will be people who may find ways to create money by claiming they lost something on our place or we took something to make us liable so we make this as a serious policy. Anyone visiting our place can claim, " I lost something." referring to any valuable items, such as mobile phones or jewelry. To avoid incidents like this, We highly advocate that our clients leave any of their valuable items at home.
Health Considerations
It is the client's responsibility to keep our massage therapist informed of any medical treatment or medications they are currently undergoing and to ask their own General Practitioner (G.P.) if a massage is okay to be received. Some services have specific contradictions related to pregnancy, high blood pressure, prescription drugs and other medical conditions.
Despite of health benefits of massage, Khunchai Thai massage and Spa massage services are non-medical procedures and not intended to be a treatment, prescription or corrective measure of any human ailment or condition of any kind. Only a licensed physician can provide such medical treatments.
If in any case, any licensed physician or Doctor recommended our services to any of their patients and an unwanted side effect occurs or worsening the health condition of the patient after a massage. The licensed physician recommended our services should be responsible for giving the wrong advice and recommendations, not us in Khunchai Thai massage and spa. The licensed physician who gave the advice to get a massage to any of their patient should have this recommendation in writing with their signature or we will refuse service.
We reserve the right to refuse service service for anyone with any medical condition regardless if they had been recommended/suggested by any Doctor/G.P. or any medical services provider to get a massage as we are avoiding to have any legal liabilities with the law or the NZ The Ministry of Health if anything goes wrong regardless of the suggestion or recommendations of any NZ licensed physician as we will get the burning charcoal, not those who gave that recommendations or suggestions. We will not gamble or take risk. Please see a Physio or Osteopath not a massage spa.
[Downplaying our signages and lowballing]
A customer may contest, "I did not see that signage" " I did not see the details" " I should get this " " I should get that" "it must be like this" "It must be like that".. so on and so forth that a customer thinks that they should be entitled to. Lowballing will end our business relationships with any clients who do so and will get a customer banned from our services. Our signage policy notices such as Sudden time reduction, Late arriving fess, shower fees, loyalty card conditions, check your valuable items reminder posters and other sign notices are in effect even if a customer claims they have not seen it. Please note that those policies are printed in large visible posters and not in fine prints, a lowball customer cannot choose which policy they know or seen and what they missed to noticed to justify lowballing. We do not negotiate with gifted grey eminence individuals or intelligent negotiators. We ban and trespass them straight away regardless of how much value they bring to our business. A customer agrees to our policies, terms and conditions on default whenever they choose to use our services. We recommend reporting us to to anyone who thinks our policies are unfair.
Abuse is not and never ok to us.
It is not ok for us that customer will abuse any of our staff, This action is considered a disrespect towards our entire company. Anyone treating another person as a lower life form is not welcome to our place. We value our staff's dignity than the monetary revenue from abusive customer's money. Please do not presume that we value money more and we will downplay or turn a blind eye on any abuse, verbally or body language. Abusive customers will be removed and reported to 105 for abuse or intimidation offence which may be liable for a few months of jail or $2000 for a fine. Abuse is unacceptable and is a crime ( more about community law, please visit )
Passive abuse
Being a "Hard Customer" to deal with is not an exception. There are customers or people who think they will get the value of the money they paid by giving a hard time or pressure to any staff of the business they are doing business/transactions with; let us be clear that this is not acceptable and likewise, we can choose to refuse to accept any money from any abusive clients or do business with them. Feedback and reasonable requests are welcome; The client cannot demand to change our steps and procedures, as this is very likely to occur when the customer is a massage therapist, or a mystery customer sent from another counterpart similar Thai massage business. Also, we consider it a passive abuse when a religious customer or a well opinionated client is passionate to instigate an argumentative conversation challenges or discredits any of our staff personal religion / or any beliefs when it is not asked. Any passive abusers, Hard customers, Bossy customers and Argumentative customers will be banned to our services if our staff requested to do so.
Not showing up on appointment, cancelling or re scheduling a booking on short notice, downplaying it and refusing to pay penalty fees is considered passive abuse.
Our revenue comes from customers and we should treat every customers very well. While we believe we should be fair, humble, respectful, hospitable and accommodating to customers, we will never put ourselves to any abusive situations letting any abusive person abuse us without doing anything or standing up for ourselves. Please do not mistake standing out for ourselves as bad customer service, please no gaslighting.
Issuing a trespass notice.
A Trespass Notice may be issued to ban an unwanted individual on our premises. Anyone abusing or disrespecting our staff, Low ball negotiators, and anyone solicited for extras such as sexual/sensual services will be issued a trespass notice. And it will be an offense against the Trespass Act 1980 to ignore them and come back to our premises for anyone we issued a trespass notice: a $1000 fine or up to three months of imprisonment for violators.
- Trespassing Notice Fact: As of 2024, only one person for whom we issued a trespass notice due to lowballing last Feb 2021, and five clients were added to the banned list. (due to: passive abuse, constant sharing of unsolicited religious beliefs during the services, refusing to adhere to our policies and lowballing, and demanding more loyalty card stamps in aggressive verbal manner) Those five excluded individuals will be served a trespass notice if they ever return to our place. Khunchai Thai Massage and Spa never have an incident of any inappropriate clients being kicked out for harassing or disrespecting any of our or staff this is due to our being direct and upfront with our policies.
- As of 2022, Two of our massage therapist staff has requested the operator to ban an overdemanding customer who also likes to instruct our staff how to do their job as the customer is also a massage therapist. Yes, we do listen and will take the side with our staff than an passive abusive customer who has money to pay who thinks they get the value back of their money by giving our staff a hard time.
- As of April 2023, We banned a client who had a romantic relationship with one of our former staff (in a very short period of time) as we cannot fully trust them on what they may do on our treatment rooms during the service such as physical intimacies. The former staff (Nicha) got warned regarding soliciting contact details of a client that she barely know, mainly for having no concern of the person/customer she goes out marital / relationship status, in which putting the entire business at risk, she resigned on 31st July 2023.
- Banned customer using another name, wanted to book after year and half of verbal abuse over the phone. A customer named Maree verbally abused us over the phone on 27th March 2022 after we applied our no show policy penalty fees and do not re book list for the appointments she booked and did not showed up. Maree walked in to our place using a different name as Catherine (24/11/23) inquired why her calls are not picked up as we banned and blocked her contact details, Tried to mislead the substitute receptionist by claiming she was with us few months ago. She walked away when we mentioned we going to check her details and can verify her details other information along with checking the CCTV images from her very last visit on 16th of March 2022 and to drop her a Trespass Notice.
We are not bluffing and serious in defending our staff/ourselves from any abusive customers. We will not forget any incidents even if it have occurred over a year ago as we do take notes of any unfortunate incidents and collect images of any persons of interest from our CCTV cameras and report to Police 105 online and file a civil or criminal case if applicable.
[Refusal of service]
We reserve the right to refuse anyone service without the need to provide any explanations. The most common reasons are:
A) Client has a foul body odor or poor personal hygiene.
B) Client came carrying or under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
C) Could not communicate in English, the customer could not communicate or tell what services they needed or what they are looking for. Example: did they need our services to treat any serious injuries that is not suitable with massage services but must be seen by a doctor?. Or an adult services punter who may play "no English" and who may ignore our strict "no sensual or sexual massage and no nude policies".
D) Client has previously offended any of our staff, which causes our staff distress or simply does not want to serve any person they are not comfortable with.
E) Low ballers and discount negotiators.
F) Client is on our Do not Re-book list and booked under a different account with a different name.
G) We can refuse anyone for any reason.
H) Client is requesting for a medical treatment of any kind through massage services which we think is risky with or without a suggestion from any licensed NZ Doctor/ G.P. / Physician or any medical services provider.
I) If there are any unusual activities or movement of people, occurrences, or incidents outside our premises. Which may put our staff in potential danger.
We also reserve the right to refuse service to any one of our services, bookings, and entry to our premises without needing to explain the reason.
[Face concealment, mask , sunglasses , hoodies]
We will not let anyone with concealed face get into our premises. Everyone's face [or at least the eyes if the face mask is on] must be recorded by our CCTV cameras. Police 111 will be notified, or our S.O.S. alarm siren will be activated if anyone is loitering around our premises or walking in new customers with concealed faces.
[Walk ins should go and see us upon arrival]
Due to rising crime rates along with business break-ins and looting. We are vigilant with our surroundings. A walk-in should go to our door to see any of our team and immediately inquire. We will be suspicious of anyone walking around our premises with or without a purpose, "I'm just looking at your place," "I'm looking for a missing pet /person," or any ploy. We knew CCTV cameras were not enough to prevent robberies, and whenever a suspicious person roamed in our place, we would stay on our premises overnight for several days. Aside from being vigilant, we remove any valuable items from our premises.
[Privacy notice]
In adherence to NZ Privacy Act 2020 principle 3, We like to let everyone know that everyone entering our premises are being recorded by our CCTV cameras. The purpose is not to prevent any possibility of any crime but being ready to provide any evidence or proof, any identities of anyone involve if there are any crimes of incidents that we need to report to New Zealand Police. The recordings are kept private and the memory or data storage of our CCTV devices will be rebooted after some time, we do not keep the video recordings permanently.
- All customer contact details and IP address who booked with us are kept private and confidential and will not be sold to any marketing firms or shared with anyone asking unless required by law or the customer must be reported for harassment or crime.
-For transparency, customer contact details were required or must be shown when contacting us for booking purposes only. Private or hidden number callers are not allowed to make a booking with us and we require a legitimate contact details from anyone wanting to book with us. There is always a chance that we will get a fake booking with misleading information from any private callers and also, we could not make a legal report against any caller with hidden numbers who may violate NZ telecommunications act.
-Cookies are indirectly shared by the website host and we have no control over it. This is the reason why the things your searched in Google appears on your social media as an advertisement if this is the concern, this can be configured on your device to hide your searching details.
[Your Mate cannot get in and wait]
For security reasons, If anyone wants to bring a companion with them and wait for them to finish the session, The friend or client's companion cannot stay inside our reception alone when our receptionist is out. No Excuses. The client's companion can wait in the car or roam around Glendene shopping village. Bringing two or more companions to stay in our reception area is not allowed even if our receptionist is present. Same as we will refuse entry to groups of 2 or more people coming together to purchase a voucher while visitors outnumber our staff. Please understand. Thai massage places are also targeted by theft and robbery. We have safety measures by implementing these unusual procedures.
We do not discriminate against any race or ethnic group if we do not let anyone in. Inquiries from anyone coming without an appointment may be done just outside while any of our staff are instructed to talk behind the locked security door. We will not give in to any ruse for us to open the door "someone needing emergency help, see the tidy rooms before making a booking, use toilets, etc. But we will Phone 111 emergency services for Ambulance or Police instead.
Please understand this is only to counter theft and robbery and no discrimination involved. Thai massage is also highly Targeted by robbery. Please don't be offended whenever we execute this. To any robber planning to target us and visiting this website right now, We would like to let them know that we prepared for their visit and anticipated what they might do, and expect a possibility of defensive fight back. We only use a cheap mobile phones, Tablets with low resale value. We do not store massive amounts of cash on our counter. (max of $50) Our staff are instructed to leave their valuable items at home and never to place or put their gadgets / valuable items anywhere visible to clients.
"Sorry You have to leave"
Whenever we are understaffed, or everyone is busy, and no one is available to look after the reception area. Each of our massage therapists reserves the right to ask any customers in our reception area without an appointment or anyone just done with their session to leave what ever the customer is doing (enjoying the tea or waiting for their friend to finish the appointment or just mere waiting for no reason) and to lock the door before they start to serve each of their clients. Suppose the customer refuses to leave. Our staff are instructed to force the customer to leave by issuing a trespass notice and calling the police. We cannot leave the reception area unguarded at all costs.
[Visiting after hours]
Anyone walking in to our shop after hours from 8:00pm onwards are not considered as normal customers or even at 7:30pm on non daylight saving months. They either scouting our premises for a robbery or simply just an adult services punters looking for a massage place with extra services open till late nights. Please be aware that our premises are equipped with motion sensors, smart CCTV cameras with siren alarms active after hours that will get triggered if any human movement is detected whenever we are away. Siren motion sensors are installed on weak spots of our premises. Glass alarm break sensor are also installed on our windows. Those electronic systems are sufficient enough to get the attentions of our neighbors or other people nearby.
The design of this website focuses more on being informative, upfront, in plain and simple language of an ordinary person's diction rather than using AI or office and corporate format direct and upfront without sugarcoating or use of euphemism. Also, being informative and direct is more valued and considered rather than any fancy website design or UI and over welcoming UX with the shop policy details or any terms and conditions mostly hidden away from the website visitor or in a small print or via link. For us, it is not about having a better website design against similar businesses but building trust. We want a full honest display of our business and what we do and do not. We are not like an aggressive and overly friendly salesperson who will be forgetting you after they made a sale. It is up to the customer to do business with us or go with another company after seeing and knowing us, not being a wolf hiding in sheep's clothing tricking the customers in small prints, Thai massage business that appears to be legit but provides extra or a legit Thai massage but with their staff that goes out and sleeps with clients. The UX or User Experience varies or depending on the website visitor's intention or what they are really looking for whenever they search for "massage" over the internet. If we stop pretending like our world is a perfect world without troubles, we all know that businesses and people like us in Massage and Spa industry faces intense discrimination and always being associated with adult services and mostly target of this discrimination are Asian massage therapists like our staff. Likewise, any customer with negative personal opinion towards Thai Massage who visited our website started to trust us and became our loyal regular repeat customers. So, it is very important for us to be upfront and direct with set boundaries and rules. The more straight forward and direct we are, the less problems and misunderstandings may occur. Contrary to any or some website developer's suggestions who wanted to offer or sell their services to remodel our website for being too direct with lots of rules and regulations contributing to negative user experience or UX. Feedback is gracefully accepted mostly, from our legitimate regular clients unless given by someone with intention to sell any products or services. In addition, we noticed some of our original policies were also adapted by some of our counterparts (and some of them who were even started their business before us and yes, we diligently observed most of our counterparts websites here in Auckland before around 2020's and after and what have changed, removed or added) or even copy pasted some portion of any sentences of this website so our website so we must be doing be alright if other business follows and adopts our example.