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No Show & Short notice cancellation/rescheduling policy

Our policy for productivity loss prevention

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Massage No show policy
Massage Short Notice cancelation policy

To our valued customers

This policy is strongly implemented; this is not a fake or dummy policy to bluff our clients to only discourage the clients from Not showing up or canceling / re-scheduling the booking on short notice without any penalty upon doing so. It is wrong to presume that we will never implement this policy, including with our regular repeat and loyal clients who are fully aware of this policy but downplay it. Please bear in mind that it is preferable for us to let go of any clients who will dispose of our productive time.

Please do not downplay this policy as we seriously add No Show Short notice canceling/re-scheduling customers to the Do not re-book list; booking again is unavailable until penalty fees are paid. To our regular repeat or loyal clients/customers, please do not presume that this policy does not exist when you commit a no-show or short notice cancelation/re-scheduling or have an exception for being a repeat regular customer or if it is your first time to do so, that a No show/short notice canceling customer can book again as nothing happened.


This policy is the most elaborated policy due to customers' excuses, downplaying and ignorance of this policy, clients trying to pay penalty fees with "sorry" or any sincere heart-touching apologies and guilt tripping, verbal abuse we have received whenever we apply this rule, and any other loopholes a client may create. Most No-show customers will try to reason why they should get an exemption. We reserve the right to modify our rules on short notice whenever we see loopholes in our policy.

These policies exist to protect our business, prevent our productive time loss, and provide available time to other customers and nothing personal. The customer is being penalized for the time they reserved for themselves that became unavailable to other customers wanting to book that timeslot and the work we missed due to that, we do not charge penalty fees for nothing. We understand our clients' freedom of choice to abandon their bookings or appointments with us, it is not a criminal offence like shoplifting or vandalism. There are no personal negative feelings from our team to any No Show/ Short notice canceling / re-scheduling customers. However, please also understand our rights to demand penalty fees for the time wasted or freedom refuse to serve those clients whenever they choose to violate these policies stated here, we are just implementing our procedures. Please do not compare us in the services/hospitality industry to the retail sector, as we cannot return the time you have booked which we lost or call back other customers we have turned away and we missed the works we could have done.

Thank you for your understanding,

From Khunchai Thai Massage management

Proof that we are not bluffing

Unfortunately, As a small business, our policies are often downplayed by some of our regular repeat clients, including having a strong negative remark against us, unlike how they are going to be ok and understanding when a big business company penalizes them for Not Showing up or canceling/rescheduling on short notice such as Airline companies, Hotels or a luxury Spa. Please let us prove that we are serious by showing screenshot of two out of countless abusive messages we received from No show / Short Notice canceling customers that we refused re booking.

This is not "just another Thai Massage" in regards to customer not showing up on bookings with the operator or Thai massage business owners will just say "ok" " that is fine see you next time" or any passive response to any No show and short notice cancelling/re scheduling customers. While we believe that we must always be humble, accommodating and hospitable to customers but also assertive, not to be pushovers or be abused in any way like letting any customer wasting our productive time intentionally or unintentionally without compensating for it. We understand that we cannot please everyone and we will do what we have to do even at expense of loosing a regular repeat and loyal customers, negative word or the mouth advertising to loose any potential customers, etc.

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How does it affect us and why do we have this policy?

We reserved the timeslot and refused others to book because of that reservation if the booked customer didn't come. We lost our productive hours and missed the others we refused to book if the customer did not show up or even give us a reasonable cancellation notice time to replace them.  

A most common misconception is that we are compared to retail industry, it is just like going to a supermarket or a retail store and just not buying the goods/product or merchandise they picked up and put in their trolley when they reached the counter because they changed their mind, the retail store or supermarket did not lose anything, The therapist did not do any work, used physical energy and get tired, so nothing was lost. But the services industry like us are way different; We lose our productive hours whenever there is a no-show or short cancellation notice, preventing the other potential customer/client who would book the time that a no-show or short notice canceling customer has taken and dropped. We cannot bring back the lost earning opportunity time that a no-show/short notice canceling client has booked; we should have booked someone who will surely come and make a successful trade with us that we refused to book due to a no show customer took the timeslot on our booking that made it not available for other potential bookers and not showing up. 

Customer: "But something unexpected (Sick, called to work, accident etc.) happened and I cannot come". As a business, our objective is to generate revenue for us to continue our business and provide employment to our staff and that includes having a loss prevention policies like this one. Personally, we sympathize with other peoples situation but with business operational side: business is business and it has no sympathies and emotions, any customer who will not attend the appointment they have booked should cover the loss and must pay penalty fess regardless of any situations or reasons, It is not our fault or caused those unexpected things to happened.

What happens when a booked customer will not show up or cancels/reschedule on short notice?

They will be added to our Do not Re-book list. Reserving a booking with us is unavailable until penalty fees are paid, and all their contact details will be blocked to all of our communication devices and online booking software to prevent them from re-booking as we cannot take the risk of losing our productive time again with a No show/short notice canceling customer. This will also affect the convenience of claiming a gift voucher from us if they receive any. We will not demand a no-show or short notice canceling/rescheduling customer to pay any penalty fees; it is up to them if they want to pay and be able to book again or say goodbye to us and start a new business relationship with other similar service provider.


Penalty fees must be settled using email messages or the contact form in this website as it must be documented, we will not settle any penalty fees over an unrecorded phone calls.


All No Shows, Short notice cancelling/ re scheduling incidents are recorded and it is not pardoned after a year and it will stay indefinitely until penalty feed are paid regardless how long it did occur. In mid 2023, a significant recorded No Show clients from 2022 attempted to call to book based on the caller number screening app report. In 2023, a significant percentage of No Show clients were from regular repeat who mistakenly though we were only bluffing and will not add anyone on do not re book list and tried to downplay this policy as they have not done any no show on any of their appointments.

Still welcome to our services but not allowed to re-book

No-show and short-notice cancellation clients that are not allowed from re-booking are still welcome to our services but just as walk-in and if we have available time upon walking-in or arrival while still listed on our do not re book list, Any clients listed on our do not re book list cannot make or request a booking in advance until the penalty fee is paid. 

But any banned or trespassed individuals cannot make a booking and be served even as a walk-in at all. A customer listed on our do not re book list will be added to banned list if harassment occurs such as sending us angry messages or angry calls in response of not re booking them and attempt to book using another name, number or family member's log in online booking account.

Why Other Thai massage does not have No show / Short notice cancellation policy like yours ?

This is up to each business operator. Most Thai massage business operators are okay with it as they value all the paying customers regardless if they conveniently do not show up on a few appointments they book and hope they will still keep coming back or they are too worried that they will lose so many customers or they cannot handle assertive and passive abusive customers and this is also the reason why most customers think it is ok not to show up on appointment, cancels or re schedule a booking on short notice. Still, we are sure that despite being lenient or not having policies, other Thai massage operators and staff are not happy whenever a customer does not show up, cancels, or reschedules on short notice as their productive time goes to waste. We screen out clients who do not value and have no sympathy for other people's time. We do not take this abuse and see it as a short-term loss and a long-term benefit of not having no-show customers getting into our bookings. In addition, we noticed that most newly started Thai massage establishments from 2020 onwards added or started to add these policies to protect their business.

CAB or Citizens Advice Bureau was checked before implementing these policies. We do not see any violation of consumer laws charging penalty fees for not showing up on appointments, cancelling/re-scheduling an appointment on short notice

Infected by covid?

-As of 14th of August 2023, Covid restrictions was dropped by the New Zealand government. Therefore, there will be no exemption to anyone using Covid 19 infection as a reason to not show up or cancels an appointment on short notice.

-As of Dec 2023, we are aware that Covid is still around, we are sympathetic our customers but please let us know as soon as possible to help us replace the appointment that you will cancel. * we may still add to do not re book list or charge penalty fees to customers who cannot prove being infective of covid.

I'm sick, I took some medicine/rest time expecting to feel better, but / unfortunately, I'm still feeling ill so I'm canceling on short notice. 

Please do not put our productive time at risk of being wasted. Anyone feeling sick but waiting to feel better on that day but is still feeling ill and called to cancel any of their bookings on short notice will not be excused. Please give us chance to book others if you are unsure if you can make it on your appointment. Any sick or unwell customers should call and cancel their booking as early as possible and not gamble with our productive time, to come if feel better later or cancel on short notice if still ill. Please bear in mind that we do not intend to force any unwell or ill customers to attend their booking but it is about enforcing to give us a chance of booking someone else by giving us a reasonable cancellation notice time if any booked person is unsure if they can attend their booking or not. [the booked customer will still be penalized for holding up the time and not attending it, not for cancelling on short notice due to being sick]

Do Not book if you feel sick then cancel /re schedule later on short notice

- Booking around morning time at the same day then canceling the booking few hours after the booking will not get an exemption and penalty fees will apply. Most people should be aware of their medical condition (if they feel sick) around morning time and should not make a booking that they are not sure if they are able to attend.


Canceling an appointment when sick 

* Please cancel before 12:00pm. If the appointment time is anytime before 12:00pm. We will not regard it as a short notice cancelation and will not incur any penalty fees out of sincere consideration. Any cancelations from 12:00pm to afternoon till evening due to being sick will not get an exemption and will incur either 50% short notice cancelation/re scheduling penalty fee or 100% penalty fee if we have followed up after the appointment time has passed or the customer canceled their appointment within 60 minutes before the time they have booked or after the appointment time has passed as that was already considered a No Show appointment. There will be no exceptions for any booked customer that get sick or feel ill but just forgot to cancel or re schedule on time, we believe that our clients should value our productive time (not just forgetting it) regardless if they are feeling ill / sick or not by canceling the appointment as early as possible so we can replace the booking.

* We still reserve the right to add penalty fees even if the booked customer called before 12:00pm to cancel due to being sick if we feel that the customer is using this as a loophole or booked for someone else (ex. a customer wanting to book family member who do not have plan to go for a massage but still booked by the customer without asking first). 

Can you hold the timeslot for me?

Answer: No, Please let other customers who are sure of their schedule to book and take the available timeslots we have and let us earn and be productive by not holding any available time slots and cancel or reschedule it on short notice. Doing so will incur penalty fees.

How about re schedulling on short notice?

Re-scheduling is fine as long as the booked customer have given a long advance notice time ahead before the appointment time, giving us a chance to be able to replace or give the timeslot to other customer who wanted to book the timeslot you are going to give up regardless of any reason. Re-scheduling an appointment on short notice affects our productivity as there is a little or no chance to replace the booking on short notice. The damage on our productive time is inflicted indirectly by a customer even though they just trying to re-schedule and not canceling. It is more practical for us to add to do not re book list any customer who constantly re schedules on short notice, it is true that they will still pay and we will get their money on the other day they re scheduled, but it will actually cost us more to take their money next time as we will be keep missing out the other customers whom should have took the time slot that they booked and abandoned leaving our staff idle, our time is wasted if we cannot replace the booking on short notice. 

Cancelling or re scheduling an appointment very close/near to appointment time.

Any cancellation or re-scheduling done close to the booked appointment time is considered a No Show, not a short notice cancellation notice anymore if notified us under 90 mins before the appointment. The penalty fee will be 100% of the price of the service booked and not 50% for short notice cancellation notice as the booked client did not give us a chance to book other clients who may want to book by not giving us a small time allowance by canceling too close to appointment time. The clients on our waiting list who may wish to book may have other plans already or went to book another Thai massage spa and it is too late for us to call or notify them that we have spaces opened up.

Long weekend holidays.
probability of booked clients not showing up on appointments or cancel their booking on short notice.

It is always expected that there will be short-notice cancellations and customers not showing up for appointments on long weekends. Going outdoors and having a picnic or outdoor lunch with family is fun, mainly on a good-weather long weekend. The customer is more likely to abandon the booking with us or just have booked in advance to hold the time for themselves securing an appointment on a known busy hard to book days and cancel/re-schedule on short notice if the family or personal plans or schedule have changed. Please note that we do not have a holiday surcharge but we will never have leniency for short notice canceling customer reasons such as being sick, family emergencies, accidents, etc. even if those are legitimate occurrences, at any long weekends. The customer will be listed to the do not rebook list customers and will not be rebooked until the penalty fee is paid for short notice booking cancellation, regardless of any situation.  

Our Staff turned up to work to meet the customer's appointments at any long weekend. It is not fair on our side if the customer abandons the booking using sick, accident, or emergency cover-up guilt tripping. There will be no excuse for canceling on short notice on long weekends.

Fact: We have this policy because of our experience on a long weekend. We drafted this Short Notice and No Show policy on a long weekend of Auckland's anniversary day 1st of February 2021, when half of our booked clients (also those regular repeat clients) claimed they were sick and could not come on short notice along with No shows on that long weekend. From that long weekend, it is always expected that there will be a booked client who will not show up or cancel on short notice, and we are not wrong with this, but we manage to minimize the number of customers doing so because of these policies. Please note that we are not enthusiastic to charge any penalty fees, we are just protecting our business.

- We think we are the first Thai Massage and Spa to implement this from 1st of February 2021 as we got this idea from motel reservations policy along with a Luxury Day Spa in Auckland regarding No shows and Short notice cancelations or re scheduling. 

Reasons we encountered for not attending a booking or cancelling the booking on short notice

  • No one will look after the children / parent or any family member including sick family member/dependents.

  • Kids are sick.

  • The client has to look after the pet or walk the dog.

  • Schedule of the booked client became chaotic and unorganized so therefore will not attend or just cancel the booking in short notice.

  • The client apparently have called by employer to work or picked up a work if the client is an independent self employed contractor, too busy at work and cannot leave [or any heart touching logical reasons under the sun regarding work] and drops the appointment on short notice or just not shown up.

  • Neighbor is blocking the driveway so the client cannot drive out and come.

  • Hangover or alcohol intoxication from previous day.

  • Traffic was so slow and so bad. Booked client driving/coming from far place.

  • The client suddenly have or experienced an accident or any emergencies at the time that is to close to the booked appointment time or just past few moments after the time of appointment they booked that we have to follow up.

  • The client having a little rest, a nap or sleep, unfortunately the alarm clock failed to wake them up on time and missed to attend the booking.

  • Someone else has booked for a particular person without the booked person's knowledge.

  • The clients do not have our number and cannot call to cancel my appointment.

  • The booked client thought they sent the cancel request on time but it wasn't.

  • The client forgot the appointment for any reason, despite having received a 24hr text reminder of their booking by the software we use.

  • The Doctor, The lawyer, The secretary or minister, The judge, The school principal, The President of the country, The VIP or any has called or set up an appointment with me same time as my booking so the booked client cannot come.

  • Simply "something has come up" sorry cannot come today. Car break down, etc.

  • I am sick and forgot to cancel.

Family - The client should be responsible for their schedule and organizing any family arrangements without interrupting other people's livelihood or businesses by not attending a booking they requested or canceling on short notice for personal reasons. Therefore, booking or requesting an appointment is advisable only if you are sure of your family arrangements or personal schedule, It is also not our fault or wished that some family member get sick or ill so the booked customer will abandon the booking with us due to this or any reasons, our staff have left their family at home to be present at your appointment. We should not carry the loss of our productive time due to any family or personal reasons as we did not cause any of those while the customer agreed to arrive on the time they requested for booking so penalty fees still applies. 

Kids or my Child is Sick - We are sorry for the child's situation but we will not carry the loss due to this unforeseen circumstances and this should be passed to the person/ parent who booked their appointment by charging penalty fees to pay for the wages of staff who also have a child or family to support, who lost their productive hours due to any short notice cancelation or re-scheduling regardless of any reason from a parent customer who is unexpectedly have to attend to their kid. We are not unkind, No Empathy, villain, inconsiderate or any, please no guilt tripping. Any regular customer using kids to cancel appointment on short notice will be required for a deposit to secure a booking next time they wanted to book again in the future.

I got called to Work, meeting etc. - We understand that our client's work and source of income are valuable to them, and so do our productive time that any client has booked with us is valuable for us, like you and everyone else, WE ARE ALSO WORKING and abandoning the booking with us on short notice due to work has denied us of our possible earning opportunity. We are not having a recreational or leisure time, playing snake & ladders while having a relaxing tea and chat while waiting for another player but waiting for the person/customer who booked and requested to hold/reserve the timeslot for themself to not to give that timeslot to other customers and agreed to come on the appointment time as part of our work as well. 

Family emergencies and accidents - We sincerely sympathize ​with all of our clients on any unfortunate, unforeseen incidents such as emergencies/accidents. Still, we will be technical and add any clients to the do not re-book list until the penalty fees are paid. A booked client or customer not showing up or canceling on short notice for any reason is also an unfortunate incident for us by losing our productive earning opportunity time. We will not carry the loss, the no show/short notice cancelling or re scheduling client will be added to do not re book list and will be refused to reserve any bookings until penalty fees are paid.

My wife booked for me/ someone booked for me, its not my fault -  Any individual is responsible for their important personal details such as their name, email address, and phone number, and those information should not be allowed to use by anyone else for booking and shopping online without consent. If a friend or family member books an appointment for you, we believe that you gave the friend or a family member a permission to use their personal details to book [please note our booking has mobile number verifications], reasons such as "my spouse/friend/siblings booked it for me, I did not know I have an appointment" or any similar reasons will not be exempted.

I will see the Doctor/G.P, the lawyer, the celebrity or any V.I.P. first and cancel / re schedule the booking -  Regardless who the client is meeting and if the booking is made in advance, it is considered that we made an agreement of appointment time first, and it is not justifiable to cancel the agreed appointment time or reschedule the booking or cancel due to any urgent calls from anyone important or with higher social or professional status. Our time is also important similar to those people with higher social status or profession. The client should let the doctor / G.P or any VIP know that they cannot came in specific time they assigned as they have a booking with a massage spa already and look or set up for another time to meet them. If unavoidable, The client who booked in advance who agreed to come on appointment time but could not come should carry the loss by paying penalty fees for short notice cancelation/reschedule or no show.

For any other reasons such as neighbor's car blocking the driveway, hang overs/ alcohol intoxication, bus did not arrive on time, alarm clock did not work and wake the person up on time, too tired to go, bad traffic, car break down, negligence of schedule or for any reasons, We are not liable and we did not caused those incidents. We will not give any exemptions on any of those random reasons on why a client will not attend their booking on short notice. We will not carry the loss of productive time due to any of those random reasons which we did not cause or which we have nothing to do about, The client will be added to do not re book list with no possible exemptions unlike the cancellations due to emergencies, only paying the penalty fee is the way out of do not re-book list. 

-*Any individual will be aware of their health condition around morning time. Out of consideration, we exempt anyone from any penalty fees from cancelling/ re scheduling on short notice if done before 12:00pm. It will be hard for us to believe that any booked client is sick if the customer cancels or re schedules their booking around afternoon till the rest of the day.

- Please do not hold our productive time on risk waiting to feel better later but still cancels. Please cancel as soon as possible and let us have work by freeing up the time. Anyone doing this will be added to do not re book list and penalize not for being sick but for holding up our time and not attending it.

-"I am so sick, and I forgot to contact to cancel my booking" This is not enough justification especially if we have to follow up few minutes after the booked appointment time has passed, The booked customer should value our time by canceling the appointment on time or asking a family member to do so not just mere forgetting it, We will not carry the loss due to forgetting to cancel the booking.

*We maybe not accurate with that depending on any individuals health immunity but that is our condition and all customer books with us agrees with all of our terms and conditions. 

- Our approach will be technical than humanitarian. Over apologizing with any heart touching reasons will not get a short notice cancelling/ no show customer an exemption for penalty fees, We will be technical to this policy, "Business is business", No guilt tripping needed. It is not necessarily that we are heartless and inconsiderate we are just implementing the rules we create to protect our source of income. 

Guilt tripping

We are not rude, No empathy, inconsiderate, mistreating customers, the villains or greedy if we do not accept any "sorry" or "big apologies" as a substitute for any penalty fee payment and add anyone to our do not re-book list due to not showing up and canceling / re-scheduling an appointment on short notice. We are duty-bound to implement this policy. We are just protecting our business and the employment of our staff not our "nice guys" image, and there is no need for guilt tripping and telling us, "I will not book again," I will go elsewhere," I will bring my money somewhere else,", "you have lost my business" or any phrase to make us feel that we lost a valuable customer and money. We value everyone's freedom of choice on where they want to go. We cannot be guilt tripped and It is better and preferable for us to have no bookings and have a slow day than to have clients who do not show up or cancel on short notice on our bookings, which may prevent serious bookers from reserving an appointment with us. To avoid this unpleasant transaction, please only book if you are sure of your schedule. Our team is grateful to all clients who value and are sympathetic to our time and respect this policy. 

Emergencies of any kind and accidents - We sympathize with the client on those unfortunate incidents. However, those can be powerful guilt tripping excuses such as Family emergencies or accidents. Please note that penalty fees still apply unless the booked client who canceled/ re schedules on short notice or has not shown up can provide proof of incident such as a visit with a physician or medical centers, panel beater invoice, Insurance claims, or any solid evidence that those unfortunate incidents had occurred with matching time and date with the booking that was not attended. 

You lost a regular repeat client - This is a normal occurrence, we have been loosing a lot of clients since 2020 the year we started. We can lose a regular client at endless reasons at anytime and not necessarily all due from negative customer experience, other reasons such as moving out of town, health reasons, economic recessions or rising cost of living and more. While we value our customers, we do not feel guilt or lose anything when a client or regular repat client goes to the competitor due to this strict No Show & short notice cancellation policies or any reason. We always wish our counterpart businesses are busy and doing well as other they are like us making an honest living while serving others. We will never persuade "please stay" or "please come back" or offer anything to any clients who may mention "You lost a regular client". We cannot be blackmailed, It is always ok for us to loose a unreliable regular client who does not value our time and more likely to not show up or canceled / re-schedule on short notice without compensating for it. We are more concerned for the other Thai Massage business that a No show customer will go to do business next for not showing up on appointments and wasting the other Thai Massage place productive time.

This is bad/ not good for business - Most common line of a No show / short notice canceling customer when got reminded of do not re book list or penalty fees first before they can rebook an appointment again (customers who books and waste time of any businesses that provide professional services are not qualified or have the moral high ground to give any self serving business advice for their own self interest of not having to pay any penalty fees). We consider it as a short term loss when a no show / short notice canceling refuses to pay penalty fees and goes to competition. Letting any customer waste our time and doing nothing about it alone is bad for business. Good for business by screening no show and short notice canceling customers on our booking so we can have available timeslots for other serious booking customers. Also maybe bad for regular repeat customer that is fond of not showing up/ canceling on short notice as they cannot book again with their preferred massage therapist who works with us and have to spend time and money to find and search for equally skilled massage therapist to another places with costly trial and error.

You've lost, They have lost my business - Ironically, a No Show or Short notice cancelling/ re scheduling customers who refuses to pay penalty fee is also damaging our business so maybe it is okay to loose some business with less reputable clients who does not value other people's time, a reasonable customer should be willing to compensate for the productive time they have booked for themselves that they missed to attend for any reasons. Its always okay for us to loose those clients and their business who do not acknowledge the damage they have done to our productive time. 

You could have get more money back from me if you allow me to book again (without paying penalty fees) - No, Please pay the penalty fees first before booking again. We do not want a repeat No Show and short notice cancelation/ re scheduling incidents from regular repeat customers without compensating for our productive time that went to waste. Not everyone can be persuaded by money when appealing to their self-interest. We wanted our time to be valued and respected by our customers even if we are just a small business. Also, out of fairness to other regular repeat clients who paid penalty fees when they cannot make to their appointment on short notice out of respecting our time. Other regular repeat customers did not show up once and added to do not re book list then come back and paid the 100% penalty fees after a while. 

I have been recommending or referring customers to your business why not give me an exemption ? - We are thankful for any recommendations bringing new clients to us but that cannot be used as a justification for not showing up on appointments or cancelling/ re scheduling on short notice. The client / customer did those acts of goodwill voluntarily. Any gifts, monetary tips given to staff or any act of goodwill from clients are not expected but highly appreciated but also, anything we received from clients are regarded as "no strings attached" and will not be reciprocated with favors for longer duration request, discounts or exemptions from this policy.

I have done a lot of appointments and brought you more money in the past but why add me for single offence? - Yes, the policy is still applicable regardless how many times a client did a business with us. Please bear in mind that the money customer paid with us was already reciprocated by us with our staff providing the service with best as effort as our staff can provide, we already exchanged the customer's money with our service or did a successful trade. Any business or service provider should not be guilt tripped with that.

You treat bad your customers - For not re-booking customers who will not turn up appointments or cancelling/re scheduling on short notice, we disagree, just implementing our policies to protect our business from constant revenue loss, nothing personal. We will still serve them but only as a walk-in and if available upon arrival, just cannot re book until penalty fees are paid. In no way we will verbally, physically abuse any No show and Short notice canceling customer as we are careful and do not want to face any civil or criminal charges or got reported with any consumer rights organizations, It is just business, nothing personal. Most of them just felt bad for not giving them an exception or being nonchalant with their "I will go elsewhere", "you lost a regular customer" or any of their blackmailing/guilt tripping lines. Charging penalty fees for not showing up and short notice cancelations are not against New Zealand consumer laws. It is not morally wrong. But please note, any aggressive or unpleasant response, remarks or messages will get the client moved from do not re book list to banned list permanently and from this point, we will not accept any penalty fess and we will trespass the banned customer incase they come in person to pay penalty fees in the future.

Out of fair consideration, we may do waive penalty fees for short notice cancelations/ re-scheduling just incase we can manage to replace the booking with another customer by booking on short notice inquiries, walk in customer or manage to call back anyone on our waiting list to book with us with the same service and price, less or lower number website visitors for the same day but this fortunate incidents has low chance of percentage probability to occur. Penalty fees will not be waved if the booking was not replaced if no body books to cover the time that was dropped by the short or the customer in the waiting list have booked elsewhere already, have turned away customers or high number of website visitors on online bookings page of this website.

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Other asked questions

Its not a busy day in a weekday and it is very likely that you did not loose any customer if I will not turn up on my appointment or cancel on short notice in a slow day.

Penalty fee still applies regardless of what day and how busy we are. We do not encourage or give any exemptions for not showing up or canceling an appointment on short notice regardless of our slow day or any day of the week. A no-show/short notice canceling customer may rebook on any busy day as well and do the same to inflict damage on our productivity.

My friend, family or partner booked for me and I did not know so I didn't come to my appointment and show up

If the booking is made under your name, phone number and email address. You are liable for the no-show appointment. The booker will also be added to our do not re-book list if we can find out who made the booking for someone that did not show up. We believe that the particular booked person is responsible for protecting or disclosing any of their personal information which was used to make a booking and if it was booked by a friend or a family member in surprise or not, the booking made has consent from the person which was booked.

I have a voucher given by a friend, but I am recorded on the Do not re book list due to short notice cancellation or not showing up, can I claim the voucher?

Yes, you can claim your voucher but cannot book an appointment as we still see you as risk of disposing our productive time if you cancel on short notice or do not show up again. Vouchers cannot be used as a loophole to book for anyone on our do not re book list. As long as the penalty fee is not settled yet, you're not allowed to book with us. You are welcome to walk - in only and service is available if we have available time for you upon the time you walk - in. We are not liable or responsible to insure that we have availability upon arrival of any walk-in customers regardless of having a voucher.

I have lots of money to spend and I book on regular basis once a week or two, Will you put me on do not re book list if I did not show up on my appointment or cancel my booking on short notice even just once?

We treat all customers with the same level of hospitality, respect, and care regardless of how often they come to do business with us or how much they spend with us. There will be no exemption for a regular customer who spends a lot on our business but will disregard our rules, regulations, and policies  that is also considered a passive abuse, for downplaying our policies. This is called self-respect, we will not take this abuse because the other person has more money, It is ok for us to loose a regular repeat client who will disregards our policies.

I booked for my family or friends, but they did not show up or suddenly could not make it. Who is liable?

The person who booked those appointments is liable for the no-show. Therefore, it is advisable to let the others book for themselves, not make a booking for them. The booked customer will also be responsible if the booker provides their name and contact details.

-Please note, it will be the same for anyone booking for couples or multiple appointments [ taking your friend or family to come with you] but the booked companion suddenly cannot make it.


-Do not book for someone else, such as family members, if we are not sure that they will be able to make it on the appointment that you are booking for them.

-Protect your personal information such as phone number and email address. Do not let anyone use it on anything else, like booking an appointment for you online. 

If we are so serious with No show and Short notice cancellation policy, why don't just collect deposit before an appointment?

As best as possible, we will abstain from collecting any debit or credit card details with any third-party financial services, so if in any case of, cyber-attacks that will steal any card details, All our clients will be safe as they have never used any card details. Collecting deposits through bank transfer may complicate things. So we add the no-show or short-notice canceling clients to the do, not re-book list.


Do not assist anyone on our do not re-book list due to not showing up and canceling a schedule on short notice who has not settled any penalty fees to make an appointment with us. Anyone helping a no-show / short notice canceling client who has not paid the penalty fees yet will be banned from our services. Repeat clients who did not show up booked using another name or account will be served a trespass notice if we recognize them, as we do review our CCTV cameras when the no-show customer last time booking with us; we reserve the right to ask for any ID if we suspect that a No show client booked using the name and account any of their family members.

Acts of nature

Just in case of calamities such as heavy rain followed by flooding or when it is too risky to travel to attend any appointment with us, We value the safety of our clients and its is more advisable to cancel the booking in short notice or just not to attend the appointment at all and to stay safe at home. No Shows and short notice cancellations are not observed whenever there is a advisory from Civil Defence NZ to stay home and stay safe.

This policy is the most misunderstood by most consumers who think it is okay to do so, along with most of our counterparts or other Thai massage spas being lenient with this. Also, Short notice cancellations/re-scheduling and No-shows are always subject to the customer's own interpretation if we are not direct and precise. The original page was only few paragraphs till being like this in the present. Therefore we created this page with as many details as possible based on our operation experience.

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